TMJ Center of Los Angeles

Anorectal Manometry


What is Anorectal Manometry?

Anorectal manometry is an examination of the muscle function in the anorectal area and is designed to diagnosed problems. It consists of placing a thick flexible tube into the rectum with multiple sensors that detect and record pressure in the rectum and anal canal.

The testing procedure will have patients perform the following exercises:

  • Squeezes
  • Pushing or bearing down
  • Balloon test that may stimulate bowel movement
  • Stress-incontinence test for fecal leakage

Anorectal manometry is only necessary for specially selected patients, including those with suspected anorectal muscle or nerve damage caused by surgical trauma or systemic disease. The test is not recommended for patients with active lower gastrointestinal bleeding, or are allergic to latex or rubber. The procedure can be performed in an office or hospital setting.

Mcompass from Medspira is the first anorectal manometry device designed for portable use. It improves the flexibility and simplicity of testing, enabling it to be integrated into the workflow of any practice. Patients can receive treatment more effectively and efficiently. It features a single use catheter with four radially arranged air charged balloons with precise adjustment options for enhanced accuracy, assessment, squeeze, and RAIR measurements.

The portable system weighs less than 3 pounds and is simple to set up. The intuitive interface is friendly for all users. The data will be presented on a tablet PC workstation in real time. For additional information on how Mcompass creates an improved treatment experience, please call our office to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Davidson is one of the few physicians qualified to perform this procedure. He provides them in his office with no sedation needed and trained specialists available on site.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Anorectal Manometry provides additional information on how well the anal sphincter muscles squeeze at rest and with voluntary movement. It can also reveal the level of sensation experienced in the anus and rectum. Additional findings from testing include: compliance of the rectal wall, how the rectum responses to the stool entering it, the function of reflexes in the anus. No preparation is required and the patient is awake during testing. Commands may be issued to indicate whether certain sensations are experienced.

What Symptoms Are Treated?

ARM evaluates the anorectal causes of constipation. It confirms the presence of a normal functioning rectoanal reflex, which relaxes the internal and sphincter in response to balloon distension in the rectum.

Fecal Incontinence
ARM can help strengthen muscles and improve sensation, which helps treat fecal incontinence.

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